Collection: Plastikfreie Produkte - BPlanet

Wir verzichten wo es möglich ist auf Plastik. Hier findest du eine Übersicht mit allen unseren Produkten, die plastikfrei sind und plastikfrei verpackt werden. 

Unsere Taschentücher sind auch plastikfrei, jedoch ist die Verpackung nicht ganz plastikfrei, deswegen findest du dieses Produkt nicht in diesem Reiter.

Our range includes high-quality and sustainable products. Our products are mainly made of bamboo, borosilicate glass and stainless steel. At BPlanet, your online shop for sustainable bamboo products, you will find an alternative to conventional household goods and other products. Our diverse range offers you a wide range of environmentally friendly and sustainably produced items that promote and support a green lifestyle.

Our sustainable range

Here you can find not only bamboo toilet paper, but also drinking bottles and lunch boxes as well as sustainable accessories and textiles - with us you will find everything you need for an environmentally conscious everyday life. Our bamboo products are made from 100% natural and rapidly renewable bamboo, which makes them not only environmentally friendly, but also robust and durable.

With our focus on sustainability and high quality, we have made it our mission to To offer products that are not only practical and beautiful, but also make a positive contribution to our environment. That's why we attach great importance to plastic-free packaging and fair and transparent production.

We at BPlanet believe that every individual can make a contribution to promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly world. By choosing products made from sustainable materials such as bamboo, together we can make a difference and pave the way for a greener and healthier future.

Be inspired by our variety of products and discover the many possibilities Offer sustainable products. No matter whether you are looking for sustainable household products, would like to beautify your home with environmentally friendly accessories or are looking for a special gift for a loved one - you are guaranteed to find the right thing at BPlanet.

Browse through our range and discover the world of sustainable bamboo products. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a greener lifestyle. Welcome to BPlanet, where sustainability meets comfort and aesthetics!