Living more sustainably is a worthwhile goal that not only protects the environment but can also improve your lifestyle.
In this article we have put together a few points that can lead to a more sustainable life.

Everyone can make a contribution.
1. Education - Engage in Sustainable Living Topics.
Education is the first step toward a more sustainable lifestyle.
With these resources and tips, you can expand your knowledge and educate yourself on environmental issues:
With these resources and tips, you can expand your knowledge and educate yourself on environmental issues:
- Books and Online Resources: There is a wealth of books and online platforms dedicated to environmental topics. Online platforms like National Geographic, WWF, and the website of the Environmental Protection Agency provide comprehensive information on environmental issues and give you an overview of the complex subjects.
A helpful resource is, which conducts environmental education and awareness campaigns to promote sensitization. - Environmental Organizations: Join or support environmental organizations to gain access to up-to-date information and research findings. Organizations like Greenpeace, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are not only active in practical efforts but also compile theoretical approaches and report on developments and issues.
- Scientific Journals: Scientific journals like "Nature" and "Science" offer scientific articles and research reports on environmental issues. You can also use scientific databases like PubMed and Google Scholar to find current research findings.
- Documentaries and Podcasts: Watch environmental documentaries that present complex topics in an understandable way. For example, David Attenborough's documentary "A Life on Our Planet" is a recommendation. Among podcasts, there's "A Mindfull Mess" by environmental activist Madeleine Alizadeh (aka dariadaria). - Local Events and Workshops: Attend environmental events, conferences, and workshops in your area. These often provide opportunities to meet experts and follow current discussions.
- Social Media: Follow environmental experts, activists, and organizations on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay updated on the latest developments and trends in environmental issues.
Through education, you can not only better understand the impacts of your actions but also make informed decisions and actively contribute to environmental protection.
2. Reduce Your Energy Consumption - Does the PC always need to be on?
Energy conservation is a crucial aspect of a sustainable lifestyle.
- Use energy-efficient devices and LED bulbs. The use of energy-efficient appliances and lighting solutions can significantly reduce your energy consumption. Opt for household appliances with high energy efficiency ratings and LED bulbs that consume less electricity and have longer lifespans.
- Does the PC always need to be on? Turn off devices when not in use. The standby mode of computers and electronic devices still consumes energy. If you're not actively using your PC, put it into sleep mode or turn it off entirely.
Invest in energy-efficient devices with ENERGY STAR certification, which consume less power in standby mode. Here is a list of products that meet strict energy efficiency standards. - Use public transport, bicycles, or walk when possible: Choosing eco-friendly modes of transportation not only reduces energy consumption but also lowers CO2 emissions. Here are some useful resources:
General German Bicycle Club (ADFC): ADFC provides information about the environmental impacts of cycling and advocates for a bike-friendly environment. Here, you can find information about the health benefits of walking and how it benefits the environment.
Association of German Transport Companies (VDV): VDV offers extensive information and resources about public transportation in Germany.
3. Save Water - Drink Tap Water
Drink tap water for the environment: Tap water is not only healthy but also environmentally friendly.
Avoid plastic waste: By avoiding disposable bottles, you can significantly reduce plastic waste. Plastic bottles not only cause environmental issues during their production but also during disposal. While a large portion of plastic waste in Germany is recycled, the production of plastic bottles requires the use of crude oil and energy. The rest of the plastic waste is exported, affecting other countries. The NABU warns about this, for example:
High water quality in Germany: In Germany, tap water is strictly monitored and meets the highest quality standards. It is one of the most closely monitored resources and is usually safe to drink. If you have any doubts, you can use a water filter. However, from the water's perspective, this should not be necessary, as most German water sources provide high-quality water. However, many pipelines are old, so filters can help maintain water quality.
Sustainable drinking containers: You can carry tap water in reusable containers instead of using disposable plastic bottles. Normal glass bottles, water bottles, or a thermos flask are excellent options. Thermos flasks can keep water cool or warm for extended periods.
Tasty water: If plain tap water is too boring for you, you can enhance it with slices of lemon, cucumber, mint, or ginger. Alternatively, you can use a carbonation device to create sparkling water. These are healthier alternatives to syrups.
Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt):
Consumer Center:
Federal Center for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung):
4. Buy Sustainably
Choose foods with environmental labels:
In Germany, there are numerous environmental labels covering various aspects of sustainability. These labels do not all have the same strictness or cover the same criteria. Some, like the MSC label, represent sustainable fishing, while others focus on animal welfare or social justice. This diversity can be confusing for consumers, but there are label comparisons and online tools that can help you stay informed and make educated decisions.
Buy locally and seasonally:
Purchasing local and seasonal foods is an effective way to reduce your environmental impact. These products have shorter transport distances and a smaller carbon footprint. Look for farmers' markets in your area or use regional delivery services to source fresh and eco-friendly foods.
Prefer eco-friendly packaging:
Opt for products with eco-friendly packaging, such as glass, paper, or recyclable plastics. Packaging often contributes significantly to the waste problem, so choosing products with eco-friendly packaging is a step in the right direction. We rely on recycled packaging for our products, and we completely avoid plastic and plastics in our packaging. Discover our range here.
Reduce single-use plastic and use reusable shopping bags:
Single-use plastic is a serious environmental burden. Avoid disposable plastic products like plastic bottles, disposable cutlery, and straws. Instead, use reusable alternatives made of stainless steel or glass. Always carry a reusable shopping bag with you to avoid plastic bags in stores.
How does Waste Management work? Learn more about it here.
5. Reduce your meat consumption:
Reducing meat consumption can make a significant contribution to environmental protection.
- Factory farming and environmental impact: Factory farming has serious effects on the environment. It leads to pollution of groundwater, air, and soil with pollutants. Furthermore, it consumes vast amounts of energy and water. High meat consumption thus has direct implications for environmental issues such as water scarcity, air pollution, and climate change.
- Recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE): For health reasons, the German Nutrition Society recommends reducing meat consumption. The average per capita meat consumption in Germany is around 60 kilograms per year, while the DGE recommends a significantly lower amount. Reducing meat consumption can not only be healthier but also reduce environmental impact.
- Vegan meat substitutes and sustainability: It's important to note that not all vegan meat substitute products are automatically sustainable. Some of them can still be environmentally harmful, depending on the ingredients used and the manufacturing processes. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the sustainability aspects when choosing substitute products.
- Fishing and carbon emissions: The type of protein you consume can have significant environmental effects. Wild-caught fish generates significantly fewer carbon emissions compared to the production of red meat. One kilogram of caught fish produces approximately 1 to 5 kilograms of carbon, while one kilogram of red meat causes 50 to 750 kilograms of carbon in production.
- Conscious consumption of animal products: Animal products like milk, butter, cheese, and eggs also have environmental impacts. It's important to consume them consciously and consider the consequences of consumption. There are many delicious and more sustainable alternatives to animal products.
- Environmental impact of the global food system: The global food system is responsible for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the current climate crisis. Reducing meat consumption and choosing more sustainable foods are critical steps to mitigate the environmental impacts of our dietary behavior.
Conscious food choices can improve not only our health but also the health of our planet.
6. Waste Reduction and Recycling:
- Proper waste separation and the avoidance of disposable items are crucial steps in protecting our environment.
- Waste separation at home and recycling:
In Germany, a significant amount of household waste, especially packaging materials, is generated every year. To minimize environmental impact, the first step is to avoid packaging waste. Only after that does waste separation come into play. - Separate paper, plastic, and glass: Sort your waste carefully into the corresponding categories such as paper, plastic, and glass. This allows for the efficient recycling of materials.
- Prefer recyclable packaging: Choose products that come in recyclable packaging, reducing the amount of non-recyclable waste.
- Environmentally friendly disposal: Dispose of hazardous waste like batteries, electronics, or dangerous chemicals in accordance with local regulations and take them to designated collection points.
- Avoidance of disposable items:
From point three, we learned to avoid plastic bottles: Drink water from reusable containers and invest in glass or stainless steel water bottles. - Reduce disposable tableware: Use reusable dishes and cutlery instead of disposable items. Not only are they more environmentally friendly, but they also save costs in the long run.
- Fabric bags instead of plastic bags: Avoid plastic bags and use reusable fabric bags for shopping.
Proper waste separation and the avoidance of disposable items contribute to waste reduction and more efficient resource use. This is an important step in reducing our environmental impact and minimizing our ecological footprint.

7. Energy-Efficient Home:
Energy efficiency and renewable energy for a sustainable home:
Increasing the energy efficiency of your home and utilizing renewable energy sources are crucial steps in reducing your ecological footprint.
Insulation: Effective insulation of your house minimizes energy consumption for heating and cooling. This includes insulating roofs, walls, and floors, as well as replacing old windows with energy-efficient models.
Improving air tightness: Sealing doors and windows and addressing leaks in the building envelope can prevent heat loss.
Energy-efficient heating and cooling systems: Invest in modern, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems that minimize energy consumption.
Renewable energy sources:
Solar energy: Installing solar panels on your house's roof allows you to harness solar power for electricity generation. This not only reduces your energy consumption but can also contribute to feeding excess energy back into the grid.
Wind energy: In regions with sufficient wind resources, small wind turbines can serve as a renewable energy source.
Geothermal energy: Geothermal heat pumps utilize the natural heat beneath the Earth's surface to efficiently provide heating and hot water.
Energy-efficient appliances and lighting:
Energy-saving appliances: Replace old, energy-guzzling appliances with energy-efficient models featuring high energy labels.
LED lighting: Use LED bulbs, which consume less energy and have a longer lifespan than traditional incandescent bulbs.
Financial incentives and consultation:
Check for the availability of government incentives for energy-efficient renovations and the use of renewable energy in your region.
Consult an energy advisor to receive tailored recommendations for your housing situation and maximize the benefits of your investments.
The combination of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources can not only reduce your energy consumption but also contribute to creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly living environment. This helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.

8. Minimalism for Sustainability and Simplicity:
Practicing minimalism can lead to not only a simpler and less stressful lifestyle but also promote sustainability.
Purchase durable, high-quality products:
Invest in durable and high-quality products with a longer lifespan. This reduces the need for replacement purchases and minimizes waste. For example, our bamboo cutting boards are of high quality and long-lasting.
Pay attention to sustainable materials and manufacturing practices. Products made with environmental and ethical considerations are often the best choice.
Conscious consumption:
Before making a purchase, ask yourself if you really need the product and how it fits into your lifestyle. Avoid impulse buying and prioritize quality over quantity.
Practice the "one-in, one-out" rule: Before buying a new product, remove an old product that it will replace from your house.
Minimalism allows you to focus on what truly matters and can help reduce resource waste and excessive consumption. This is a significant step toward a more sustainable lifestyle that benefits the environment while promoting personal satisfaction.
9. Sustainable Mobility or Sharing is Caring:
Resource sharing and transitioning to environmentally friendly modes of transportation are essential steps toward a more sustainable lifestyle.
Sharing instead of owning:
Consider whether you really need to own certain things or if you can share them instead. In many communities, there are already sharing initiatives for tools, cars, bicycles, and more.
Sharing can not only save money but also conserve resources by reducing the production of products and energy consumption.
Environmentally friendly transportation:
Electric cars or car sharing: Switching to electric cars or using car-sharing services can reduce individual car usage and environmental impact. Electric cars are low in emissions and contribute to air quality.
Cycling: Cycling is an eco-friendly and healthy means of transportation in urban areas. It reduces the need for fuel and promotes physical fitness.
Community solutions:
Join local neighborhood initiatives or car-sharing groups. These organizations promote resource sharing and can offer practical ways to live more sustainably.
Environmental aspects and cost savings:
Sharing cars, tools, and other resources can not only reduce environmental impact but also lower expenses. This is often an economic and ecological win-win situation.
The idea that a car sits unused for most of the time underscores the need for efficient resource utilization and community cooperation.
By sharing resources and using environmentally friendly modes of transportation, we can reduce our ecological footprint while benefiting from financial advantages. It's a conscious decision that can positively impact both the environment and finances.

10. Get Involved and Inspire Others
Engagement in Sustainability and Inspiration: It is of great importance to actively engage in sustainability and inspire others to participate.
Share your knowledge:
Thoroughly educate yourself about environmental issues, sustainability practices, and current environmental developments. Use reliable sources such as environmental organizations, scientific reports, and news.
Share the knowledge you acquire with friends, family, and on social networks. Explain the significance of sustainability and demonstrate concrete steps that everyone can take in their daily lives.
Environmental and community projects:
Actively participate in environmental protection projects, whether in your community, with environmental organizations, or in clean-up initiatives. These projects help protect the environment directly and raise awareness.
You can also engage in community projects that promote sustainability and social responsibility. This can range from local gardening projects to educational initiatives.
Be an inspiration and a role model:
Be a role model for sustainable behavior. Your actions can inspire others to make sustainable choices as well.
Share success stories and positive changes in your own life on social platforms to encourage others to take similar steps.
Sources for engagement and inspiration:
Research local environmental protection organizations and initiatives in your region. These organizations often offer opportunities for active involvement.
Use online platforms and social media to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange ideas. You can find groups that focus on sustainability and environmental protection.
Engagement in sustainability and inspiring others are crucial to effecting positive changes on individual, community, and global levels. Each of us can contribute by sharing knowledge, actively participating, and showing others how sustainable lifestyles can be implemented.
Transitioning to a sustainable lifestyle requires time and commitment, but the positive impacts on the environment and your well-being are worth it. Start with small steps and work consistently to make more sustainable choices. You too can make a significant contribution to protecting our planet.
Transitioning to a sustainable lifestyle requires time and commitment, but the positive impacts on the environment and your well-being are worth it. Start with small steps and work consistently to make more sustainable choices. You too can make a significant contribution to protecting our planet.