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Photovoltaic systems (PV systems) - Use the power of the sun

What does sustainability have to do with renewable energy?

Sustainability is closely linked to the use of renewable energy. The idea behind renewable forms of energy aims to minimize environmental impact and use resources in such a way that they hopefully remain available for future generations. These forms of energy use renewable resources that have no foreseeable finite supply, like classic fossil fuels. Another aspect is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing greenhouse gases can reduce global warming and climate change. When it comes to renewable energy, the word energy efficiency is often mentioned.

What are photovoltaic systems?

Photovoltaic systems, often simply referred to as PV systems, are systems that convert sunlight directly into electrical energy. This is done using solar cells made of semiconductor materials such as silicon. The process of converting light into electricity is called photovoltaics. Would you like to find out more about photovoltaic systems? Click here to go to the pro:

A photovoltaic system consists of various components, of which the following are the essential components:

Solar cells: The heart of every PV system are the solar cells. They are typically grouped together in larger units called solar modules. Solar cells are made of semiconductor materials that are designed to release electrons when exposed to light, creating electrical currents.

Solar modules: Several solar cells are combined to form a solar module. These panels are what you commonly see on rooftops or in solar farms and they are responsible for capturing sunlight and converting it into a usable form of electricity.

Inverter: The electrical energy produced by solar panels is direct current (DC). However, most homes and electrical networks operate on alternating current (AC), so an inverter is necessary to convert the direct current to alternating current.

Mounting Systems: These structures hold the solar panels in the optimal position relative to the sun, which is crucial for maximizing energy production. Mounting systems can be installed on roofs, on the ground or even on tracker systems that track the path of the sun.

Cabling and electrical components: Cabling connects the modules to inverters and ultimately to the power grid. Other electrical components such as fuses and circuit breakers ensure the safety and efficiency of the system.

Energy management system: Modern PV systems can be equipped with a management system that monitors and controls the production and distribution of energy to maximize efficiency and use the energy as needed or feed it into the grid.

Renewable energy source

This is certainly nothing unknown, but to clarify, sunlight is an almost inexhaustible resource. Unlike fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, it cannot run out in the foreseeable future. Using solar energy reduces our dependence on these limited and environmentally harmful energy sources. The life cycle of the sun is several billion years. The sun is currently about halfway through its life cycle, it is around 4.6 billion years old, and it is fusing hydrogen into helium.

Reduction of greenhouse gases
Compared to fossil fuels, photovoltaic systems do not produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide during operation, which helps slow global warming and climate change. This is in contrast to generating energy from fossil fuels, which release significant amounts of CO2 and other harmful emissions. As soon as a photovoltaic system is installed, it can help to sustainably reduce the burden on your own energy supply and increase your own, independent power supply.

Energy efficiency
Photovoltaic technology has improved significantly in recent years. Modern solar cells are more efficient at converting sunlight into electricity, which improves the energy balance of PV systems.
It is becoming increasingly lucrative to rely on solar technology and invest in such a system. You can find more information about efficient PV systems here:

Local energy production
PV systems can be installed directly on the roofs of residential buildings, company buildings or in open spaces. This reduces the need for long transport routes for energy and reduces the losses incurred when transmitting it over long distances. This means that a wide variety of areas can be used more efficiently, which is worthwhile, for example, for companies that have large roof areas that can be used to save costs in the long term.

Longevity and low maintenance
Compared to other energy production systems, solar panels require little maintenance yet have a long lifespan (often over 25 years). This once again shows how resource-saving and efficient these systems are. This leads to a significant reduction in ongoing operating costs and environmental impact over the life of the system.

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further reading
For further information about renewable energies, the following sources can be consulted, although not all sources are in German:

International Energy Agency (IEA) - The IEA provides comprehensive data and reports on all aspects of global energy, including specific analysis on renewable energy. Their annual World Energy Outlook is an excellent resource for current trends and future forecasts.

Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) - REN21 publishes the “Global Status Report” annually, which provides a detailed overview of the global progress of renewable energy and its policy developments.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - The IPCC regularly publishes reports examining the connection between renewable energy and climate change. These reports are an important resource for science-based information about the environmental impacts and benefits of renewable energy.

Website: IPCC Reports

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - The EIA provides detailed statistical data on energy production and consumption in the United States, including specific information on various forms of renewable energy.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - WWF regularly publishes materials and reports promoting renewable energy in the context of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK): Here you can find resources on energy policy, funding programs for renewable energies and current news about developments in the energy industry in Germany.

Website: BMWK Energy is a site that deals with the topic of climate communication and that has collected all the facts about the topic of climate and climate change and presents them on its site. Because how we communicate about climate and climate change also contributes to how we approach this immensely important issue now and in the future.

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